All posts tagged: confessions of a jetsetter


Confessions Of A Jetsetter w/ Nathan Chambers

  “If I could live a parallel life anywhere in the world, without hesitation, my top choice would be Dubai. I have become overly obsessed with this city since living there briefly last year for business school. Every day spawned a new experience. The people, the food, the service, and the stellar architecture have captivated all my senses. Expat life in Dubai is definitely in the near future! I’ll be back there next month.” – Nathan Chambers   002/100 of #100DaysofConfessions Instagram Project


Confessions of a Jetsetter w/ Jessica Painter

“I’ve taught on four continents and in six countries. No matter where I am or who I’m teaching, I always walk away having learned something. Teaching has helped me to see that it doesn’t matter if I’m teaching big kids, small kids or grownups, learning is continuous. Having good holidays also feeds my wanderlust and makes me want to see more of the world. Right now, I teach in Cairo. Who wouldn’t want this as their fave spot to hang out at each weekend?!” – Jessica Painter // @jessisawanderer   001/100 of #100DaysofConfessions Instagram Project

#The100DayProject-Khadijat Oseni

#The100DayProject w/ The Great Discontent & Elle Luna

One of my greatest joys as a travel blogger and cultural curator is connecting on the road with others and sharing stories from perspectives that often go unrecognized. When I stumbled across #The100DayProject Instagram initiative rekindled by artist/designer, Elle Luna and The Great Discontent Magazine, I knew there was no doubt but to submerge myself into this intensive, creative pool of possibilities. This action proves to be a timely Spring reminder of working towards purging unproductive procrastination (not all procrastination is created equally :)) and further combining my love of travel, community and story-telling via developing more glimpses into my “Confessions of a Jetsetter” series. I’ll be interviewing fellow explorers across various creative disciplines and sharing 100 different travel confessions starting today April 6th and ending July 14th! If you’d like to be featured as one of the 100 people I’m attempting to profile, feel free to contact me and I’ll send over a random question for us to collaborate on! Shy?! No worries! Come along for the ride anyway as well as take up …

Confessions Of A Jetsetter w/ Tim Okamura

“I think being a painter does facilitate seeing the world through a different lens than normal. I often find aesthetic appeal in places others might consider dilapidated, unremarkable, or even ugly. In the urban environment in particular, I’ve always been attracted to aging buildings, cracked walls, and empty lots. I love the effects of rust, faded paint, layers of graffiti, signage, posters, and patchwork attempts to repair broken façades. All of these things combine to create what I consider a kind of poignant organic beauty that I think is both viscerally appealing and a pure visual record of the conflicting forces of man-made constructions and nature. This viewpoint often leads me to stumbling across inspiring motifs when I least expect it, and incorporating them into my paintings by direct, detailed documentation, or more suggestively in abstract form. I hope that through my painting I can point to ways for others to see the world differently, to view their environment in a positive way, and perhaps discover a sense of previously unacknowledged beauty in their own …

Confessions of a Jetsetter w/ Stephanie Londono

“I took a trip to this little island called Vieques in Puerto Rico. I went to visit Culebra for the day, so I took a small plane in the morning and decided to take the public ferry back from Culebra. Long story short, after waiting 5 hours for the ferry, I meet a woman named Irma, a cancer survivor who lived alone on the island. One of the craziest storms begins to unravel after we had boarded the ferry. I’m scared out of my mind and she forced me to sit up top in the open with her. I go up with her and hold on to the bar for dear life. I remember the water splashing everywhere and this ferry moving frantically from side to side. I will never forget her peace. She just sat there and actually enjoyed it- like she was on a yacht in St. Tropez. She saw how incredibly frightened I was and she said, “Why are you so afraid? All you have to do is ask God to protect …

Confessions Of A Jetsetter w/ Niclaos Almonor

“Style is the intersection of your personality and your mission on this earth. When those are in line, your clothing and buying philosophies follow suit. I tell people “always choose the smooth life“. The “Smooth Life” is my approach to refine myself and my situations to always be smooth even when life is rough. Being a gentleman in 2015 is all about equality, understanding and love. If you love yourself then the way you treat the world and its inhabitants will always be your best look.” – Niclaos Almonor