All posts tagged: confessions of a jetsetter

Confessions of a Jetsetter w/ Guillaume Viau

“My time spent in Kenya, Africa as a volunteer changed the way I perceive the world in all aspects of life. A small group of us traveled to the Maasai Mara with Free The Children, an international charity and educational partner that believes in a world where all children are free to achieve their fullest potential, to lend a hand and hopefully create more opportunities for the youth by building a classroom at a local school. During our time there, we also had the pleasure of connecting with the students through activities and sports, as well as some mothers by joining them on their water walks. This was an incredibly inspiring trip and destination for me…it opened my eyes to what is truly important in life – family and friends…” – Guillaume Viau // @guillaumeviau     051/100 of #100DaysofConfessions Instagram Project    

Confessions of a Jetsetter w/ Tobias Hutzler

“I was always very hungry to experience the world. As a teenager, I was backpacking through Europe with a friend and we somehow ended up in Africa. That imperishable moment when I stood at the edge of the Sahara was carved in my memory. I looked into the endless vastness, the giant space and the beauty of light and space. I wanted to cross the Sahara, and I did. One year later, I started from Timbuktu and went on this long journey alone across the desert in a caravan. This shaped my life. I started to take photographs on this journey. I experienced extreme opposites in a short span of time such as light & darkness, heat & cold, silence & noise, these are the basic components of our lives. We reached “the other side” but this moment didn’t really matter. Looking back now it becomes all very clear. My photography was born there, my use of light and space. The essence of my experiences made during my many trips gave me another perspective and …

Confessions of a Jetsetter w/ Sienna Brown

“This time last year, I had a fantastic job in NYC (somewhat living ‘the dream’) but I felt like something was missing and that thing was Spain. Thinking about it retrospectively, it has always been where I feel like I was destined to be. Since my early teenage years, I’d been infatuated with the Spanish language and culture although I was born and raised in NYC all my life. My interest continued throughout college and I made the decision to study abroad my junior year. It was a life-changing experience that solidified my desire to come back and live long-term. I didn’t know how or when, but I always had a feeling that it would happen… Fast-forward about three years later and I’m happily sitting on my balcony, drinking coffee in the South of Spain. I decided to make the move allowing me to follow my dreams and live a life that I truly love. Since moving back, the idea of community has been extremely important to me, especially through finding and supporting other female …

Confessions of a Jetsetter w/ Joel Álvarez

“Lately, I have been itching to just get on an airplane, sit, drink wine and go somewhere…It’s like when I’m in the air, I just have this feeling of excitement and anxiousness…the whole experience and process I enjoy…Being in the clouds…seeing the world that’s beneath you and how small yet so big it seems…I think also because I’m going somewhere far…Does everyone else feel this way?” – Joel Álvarez // @joel_a 048/100 of #100DaysofConfessions Instagram Project  

Confessions of a Jetsetter w/ Jules Julien

“The first thing impacting me when I arrive in a new country are people…how they look, how they speak, how they are dressed, how they live together. I go generally to cities. The countryside bores me. I can still be moved by a landscape, but one day is enough for me. About a city and its livings, when I like it, I can stay watching it as long as possible… Tokyo is my favorite place. After my first visit I have returned 6 times the following years and I will go back again. I love its places, its people, its fashion and lifestyles. The first time in Tokyo, I was shooting everything. I wanted to bring back with me to Paris as many memories as possible…people in streets, subways, bars, parks… During my second trip in Tokyo, I was contacted by email by a Japanese guy, just a coincidence, he didn’t know I was in Tokyo. He was the director of the Diesel Art Gallery and he proposed I have a solo show at his space. The …

Confessions of a Jetsetter w/ Kivvi Roberts

“My travel style and philosophy go hand in hand. Wherever I go, I want to seem less like a tourist and more like I belong or at the very least live there. I love trying to pick out the subtleties of style and demeanor of the city/country I’m exploring. It’s such a great way to learn about a place, its people and its culture… One way to blend in Paris is through dress. They have such a clean, simple, chic vibe that I love. My style as of late has gravitated towards that aesthetic. The Parisian look is in the details…also one has to sit outside at a café for hours!” – Kivvi Rachelle Roberts // @kivvirachelle   045/100 of #100DaysofConfessions Instagram Project  

Confessions of a Jetsetter w/ Elektra Carras

“The energy of Haiti makes you feel more real with yourself and others. It makes you feel like you’ve been stripped down to your core being, and naturally show your character that you’ve been building throughout the course of your life. A country with such a strong sense of culture, a harsh and violent past that demonstrates the determination of the country to be the first Black nation to win their independence, presents an energy that gives you force…though naturally presents challenges at times. You think about what it means to be in survival mode, and find yourself sometimes relating to this term, but in the best way possible.  The people are far from being passive, robotic, autonomous, and quiet. If you are working here, you question why you are doing what you do, what it is bringing to people, how are people responding to it, and this makes you want to do the best you can. At the end of the day, you know that as a foreigner, you will never go unnoticed, and …

Confessions of a Jetsetter w/ Gina Doost

“Beach hopping in Curaçao! I’ve never had so many turquoise water beaches to choose from — yes this was paradise!! On our last day on the breathtaking island in the Caribbean just off the coast of Venezuela, there sits this island that claims 38 different beaches with sunny skies along the southern and west coasts. We drove our car from beach to beach and took a dive in the crystal clear turquoise waters — so clear I could see colorful fish floating beneath me while I swam. It was one of the sweetest and most epic experiences in my life — nature at its finest! As a multicultural person, half Persian and half Afghan — born in Hungary and raised in Germany and California — I’ve seen and experienced a lot of beautiful cultures and lands. But never have I seen so much of paradise in one place like I witnessed on the island of Curaçao…  My travel tip is to allow yourself to get lost, you’ll be amazed at what you’ll find. With my beach hopping …

Confessions of a Jetsetter w/ Sonja Talwar

“Between two worlds. To live in two absolutely different cultures is like living in two different worlds. You know the famous places and the places you wouldn’t dare visit…the danger zones…But so often in my life, I had the feeling that I didn’t belong to anything. Neither to one world or the other. I was not a local…I was a sightseer…a stranger in my own life…I understood both worlds but I didn’t have a sense of belonging. Last year, I took a journey to the other side… My father is Indian and my mother is German. My parents got divorced when I was 4. But, I always asked myself why it was that I only existed in one of the worlds. So, I wanted to go back to discover my roots on my own…to see if I belong more to India or Germany. I wanted to know if I’m a German potato or if there is anything else in me, maybe a little Indian monk! It was a strange feeling standing in Delhi Airport. It …